# Delete

You can delete a single record, filtered records, a collection or even a complete krate.

# Deleting a single record

For deleting a single record you need to pass in the record ID.

curl -X DELETE 'https://krat.es/demokrate12345abcdef/record/61865154a0b2f9c31e61243b' \
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Data deleted succesfully"

# Deleting filtered data

To delete using a filter pass the filters in query param. For example of query values see Query Examples

curl -X DELETE 'https://krat.es/demokrate12345abcdef/?query=name:Tony*' \
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Data deleted succesfully"

# Deleting the whole krate

For deleting the whole krate, pass in the krate ID.

curl -X DELETE 'https://krat.es/demokrate12345abcdef/' \
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Data deleted succesfully"